IPCE Team Group

Inmaculada Donate

Inmaculada Donate holds a degree in Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Master’s degree in Science for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the Universitá di Bologna. From 2014 to 2018 she was technical head of analysis at the Conservation, Restoration and Scientific Studies of Archaeological Heritage Service of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. During this period she developed several projects in Archaeometry and laser technologies applied to Cultural Heritage, the results of which were published and presented in national and international journals and conferences. Since 2018 she is part of the Department of Physical Studies of the Research and Training Area of IPCE. She is Supervisor of Radioactive Installations in the specialities of: Industrial Radiography and Process Control and Analytical Techniques. She works with imaging techniques and is specialized in the application of spectroscopic techniques such as X-ray fluorescence, LIBS spectroscopy and near-infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy for the study of cultural heritage. She is currently involved in research projects focusing on the development of new survey technologies, the design of preventive conservation strategies for the challenges of climate change and the contribution of science to historical studies.