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Giulia Arcidiacono

Giulia Arcidiacono is a Researcher in History of Medieval Art at the University of Catania, Department of Humanities (DISUM), where she teaches History of Medieval Art and History of Byzantine Art. Graduated magna cum laude in Literature at the University of Catania, in 2012 she obtained a PhD in Storia dell’arte comparata, civiltà e culture dei paesi mediterranei at the University of Bari. She collaborated as a Research Fellow (University of Salento) on the Research Project of Relevant National Interest [PRIN 2017] Navigating through Byzantine Italy. An Online Catalog to Study and Enhance a Submerged Artistic Heritage /Navigare nell’Italia bizantina. Un catalogo online per la conoscenza e la valorizzazione di un patrimonio artistico sommerso. In 2014, she collaborated on the Research Project “Arte e habitat rupestre in Cappadocia (Turchia) e nell’Italia centromeridionale. Roccia, architettura scavata, pittura: fra conoscenza, conservazione, valorizzazione” [Research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) 2010-2011], on assignment by the University of Salento. She also collaborated on the project Corpus della pittura bizantina in Italia meridionale e Sicilia (Università del Salento, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, École Pratique des Hautes Études). She is a member of the editorial board of Siculorum Gymnasium A Journal for the Humanities, and the open-acces journal ABside. Rivista di storia dell’arte [UniCA]. Her research interests, the contributions she presented at national and international conferences, and her publications mainly focus on Byzantine art in Sicily and the Mediterranean area (Byzantine murals in Sicily and the Mediterranean; Painted cave churches in Sicily; Byzantine objects in the Sicilian Museums; Mosaics of Norman and Aragonese Sicily; Greek monastic architecture). She is currently carrying out a research project aimed at the study and enhancement of the rupestrian artistic heritage in Sicily through digital technology innovation.


  • G. Arcidiacono, Pittura medievale rupestre in Sicilia. Il territorio di Siracusa tra Oriente e Occidente, Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, 2020
  • G. Arcidiacono, “Le storie della Genesi nella Cappella Palatina di Palermo. Qualche osservazione sulle fonti iconografiche e sulle strategie narrative”, M. Angheben (ed.), Les stratégies de la narration dans la peinture médiévale : La représentation de l’Ancien Testament aux IVe-XIIe siècles, Turnhout, Brepols (Culture et société médiévales, 37), 2020, 317-343
  • G. Arcidiacono, “Mémoire byzantine en Sicile orientale : la décoration picturale de l’église rupestre de Sainte-Marguerite à Lentini (Syracuse) et la culture artistique ‘méditerranéenne’”, Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 62, 246 (2019), 115-141
  • G. Arcidiacono, “Preghiere scritte, preghiere ‘figurate’: iscrizioni dedicatorie e ritratti votivi di età medievale a Siracusa e nel suo territorio”, Arte Cristiana, CVII, 915 (2019), 426-439