
Elena Ramazza

Elena Ramazza holds a degree in History and Protection of Artistic Heritage at the Università di Firenze (2009). She completed a Master in Visual Arts at the Università di Bologna (2011) and a Master in Analysis and Management of Artistic Heritage at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2020).

In Italy she worked as a digital restorer of cinematographic material at the laboratory L’immagine Ritrovata in Bologna, and then in tourism, obtaining the title of Superior Technician for the Promotion of Tourism.

She has been a part-time lecturer at the UAB, teaching: Reading the Artistic Image and Egyptian Art. Currently she is writing her PhD thesis The language of E.-E. Viollet-le-Duc in Spain and Italy (1868-1914). Ornamental repertoires, architectural interpretation and aesthetic rewriting, under the supervision of professors Manuel Castiñeiras (UAB), Ricard Bru (UAB) and Francesco Ceccarelli (UniBO).


  • E. Ramazza, “Rileggere Viollet-le-Duc attraverso Roland Barthes: verso una lettura semiotica del mito del Medioevo nell’Ottocento”, Signa, Uned, 23 (2023), en publicación
  • D. Pascale Guidotti Magnani, E. Ramazza, “The Porticoes of Bologna between urban space and architectural culture. From the middle ages to the UNESCO nomination”, D. Arredondo Garrido, J. M. Barrios Rozúa et al. (ed.), Arquitectura y paisaje: transferencias históricas, retos contemporáneos, Abada Editores, Madrid, 2022, 421-433
  • E. Ramazza, “Ceci tuera cela (?): conexiones entre arquitectura y libros en Viollet-le-Duc y sus seguidores mediterráneos”, El llegat de les arts, idees i representacions, II Jornada d’Estudis Doctorals d’Art i Musicologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2021