IPCE Team Group

Beatriz Mayans Zamora

Beatriz Mayans Zamora holds a degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the ESCRBC in Madrid, with specialization in painting, and is a Radioactive Installations Operator from CIEMAT. Her professional career is divided into two stages. In the first, for more than two decades, she has participated in the restoration of paintings on canvas and panels, altarpieces, sculptures and mural paintings, with the aim of refining one of her passions in this field: chromatic reintegration. The second stage began in 2013, when she took a course in radiography of works of art, subsequently obtaining training as an X-ray operator. In July 2014, she joined the Department of Physical Studies of the IPCE, as an operator of the radioactive installation of the center, where she had the opportunity to expand her knowledge in radiography of cultural heritage, thanks to the teachings of Tomás Antelo Sánche. Since 2019, as member of the permanent staff, she is a specialist in radiography, also collaborates in the application of other imaging techniques in different ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum (infrared, visible or ultraviolet). She has participated in technical publications and various research projects.


  • A. R. G. Pérez, B. M. Zamora, M. B. Manzanas, M. Porras-Isla, “Radiografía de gran formato en la sede del IPCE: el Triunfo de San Agustín, de Sebastián de Herrera Barnuevo”, Informes y Trabajos: Excavaciones en el exterior, 13 (2015) 57-78
  • M. del Carmen Vega, A. R. G. Pérez, I. D. Carretero, B. M. Zamora, J. Montero, P. P. Pérez, E. Parra, “Estudio científico–técnico para la restauración de varias estampas de Piranesi de la colección de la Biblioteca Nacional de España”, Actas del XIII Congreso Internacional de Historia del Papel en la Península Ibérica, Málaga, ENCASA Ediciones y Publicaciones, 2019, 111-120
  • C. Vega, B. Mayans, A. R. García, “30 años del taller de Fernando Gallego desde la radiografía y la reflectografía de infrarrojos”, M. Miquel Juan, O. Pérez Monzón, M. Bueso Manzanas (coord.), Ver y crear: obradores y mercados pictóricos en la España gótica (1350-1500), 2016, 171-187
  • Á. Anaya, T. Antelo, M. Bueso, A. Domingo, A. R. García, E. García, …, C. Vega, “Técnicas de imagen en el retablo de Álvaro de Luna”, Retórica artística en el tardogótico castellano: la capilla fúnebre de Álvaro de Luna en contexto, Sílex, 2018, 371-394