Participation of Manuel Castiñeiras and Verónica Abenza in the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies
Participation of Manuel Castñeiras (IP) and Verónica Abenza (Equipo de Trabajo) in the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Byzantium-Bride Between Worlds, Venice and Padua, August 22nd-27th, 2022, with the papers: M. Castiñeiras, “Rethinking Ornament: the Akathistos Escurialensis as Epitome of the Late Paleologian Art” Verónica Carla Abenza Soria, “Reassessing Visual Rhetoric in Byzantine Female […]
CALL OF PAPERS for the I International Seminar MABILUS: Byzantium and the Mediterranean (11th-13th c.)
ALL OF PAPERS for the I International Seminar MABILUS: Byzantium and the Mediterranean (11th-13th c.): Multiculturalism, Gender, and Profane Topics in Illuminated Manuscripts, which will be celabrated on November 11th, 2022 Coor. Manuel Castiñeiras (UAB), Carles Sánchez Márquez (UAB), Giulia Arcidiacono (Università di Catania). We invite you to submit a paper proposal (including a 120-word […]
II Workshop MABILUS- Illuminated Manuscripts in Byzantium: techniques, illustration and fruition
II Workshop MABILUS- Illuminated Manuscripts in Byzantium: techniques, illustration and fruition. Coordinators: Inmaculada Pérez Martín, Manuel Castiñeiras, Verónica Abenza. Celebration: Thursday, June 9th, 2022, CSIC, Madrid. These members of the MABILUS project participate: Manuel Castiñeiras, Inmaculada Pérez Martín, Carmen García-Bueno, Stefanos Kroustallis, Arsenio Sánchez, Alfredo Calahorra, Verónica Abenza, Carles Sánchez. II Workshop MABILUS- Illuminated Manuscripts […]
Call for Papers: Open-Access Journal ARTS, Special Issue: Byzantium and the Mediterranean (11th-13th c.)
Call for Papers: Open-Access Journal ARTS, Special Issue: Byzantium and the Mediterranean (11th-13th c.): Multiculturalism, Gender and Profane Topics in illuminated manuscripts , Guest Editors: Manuel Castiñeiras, Carles Sänchez Márquez and Verónica Abenza Soria. Deadline: Monday, 31 October 2022
Participacion of Manuel Castiñeiras in the International Workshop Sung, Written, Painted. The Akathistos Hymnos and Intermedial Compositional Processes in Later Byzantium
Participacion of Manuel Castiñeiras IP from research project MABILUS, with the paper, “A Song of Victory on the Eve of the Fall: Re-Framing the Akathistos Escurialensis”, in the International Workshop Sung, Written, Painted. The Akathistos Hymnos and Intermedial Compositional Processes in Later Byzantium, 2-3 Junio, 2022, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, organized by Jon C. Cubas Díaz. […]
I Workshop MABILUS
El visible i l’invisible : la tecnologia al servei de l’anàlisi de les obres d’art, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, dir. Manuel Castiñeiras, Sala de Reunions del Departament de Història de l’Art, Friday, march 18th, 16.00-20.00, with the participation of Maria Antonia Zalbidea Muñoz (UPV) and Martí Bertrán González (UPC). I Workshop MABILUS